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App Widget

iOS 14 App Widget


With the release of iOS14 and the redesign of widgets on the iPhone, Dribbble posted a design prompt for the Weekly Warm-Up to design a home screen widget for a user's favourite app.

I decided to design a widget around Deliveroo and its branding to show different levels of information based on a user's order and widget size preference.

  • Small Widget - This would display a simple status of the user's order and progress through the different states once the order is complete.

  • Medium Widget - Alongside the progress status, this view would provide a map of the rider's location, name and estimated arrival for delivery.

  • Large Widget - This view would provide the functionality featured in the small and medium widgets, including a full detailed view of what the user ordered, where they ordered it from, and costs.

small deliveroo widget
Small Widget
medium deliveroo widget
Medium Widget
large deliveroo widget
Large Widget
mobile widgets mockup